Thursday, August 6, 2015

Getting her done, one step at a time!!!

Polishing Aluminum eyebrows for windows..before and after

I have waited so long for this day, the back wall (last one) in, now that all the plumbing is in and working..Woot Hoot!!!
Support for the taillights!
Tye came up to help us on SCS, getting alot done!!!
Curbing Sp?
Insulation time!!!

Time for Tyvek

Tyvek Complete


  1. Cindy! I tried to leave a comment on your last post but it wouldn't let me! This is SO exciting. You guys have worked so hard and put in so many hours. So excited for both of you! The best part is going to be putting all your cute stuff in the trailer and heading out on the open road! Congrats, love you guys!

    1. Thank -you!! So exciting! Thanks for yours guys help ..:)

  2. What did you do to shine up those window aluminum pieces? That's my next step but wow yours look brand new! - Jamie
